As Summer quickly approaches, many homeowners are starting to take note of the need to get their air conditioning systems serviced. Here are some tips on how to choose air conditioning companies near you to ensure AC running smoothly this season: 1. Keep an eye on the filter - Make sure that the filter is replaced as it gets dirty. If you notice a buildup of dust or dirt on the fan motor or coils, it may be time for a new filter. 2. Check the ducts - Make sure all of the ducts in your home are clean and free from any obstructions. If you see any debris build-up, schedule an appointment to have it cleaned by a professional. 3. Check for leaks - A common cause of AC failure is a leaky coil or condenser unit. If you notice water leaking from anywhere in your HVAC system, have it checked out right away! The Benefits of Air Conditioning Repair One of the most important things you can do for your home is to maintain its air conditioning and heating system. Not only will doi...